Thursday, March 29, 2007

Remote Presence for Outsourcing

Following are the technically feasible (for the decade already) concepts and their practical applications:

  • Machinery operation: transportation, lading, garbage collection, patrolling and accident scene surveying.

  • KVM hardware or software avatar: Technical support and systems diagnostics.

  • General hardware interface remoting: networked sharing of expensive automotive diagnostic equipment like Tech2Flash, BDM, CANdi etc., HASP keys and other unique hardware.

  • Mobile videoconferencing avatar: senior care, medical response; translation and mediation services for places of conflict.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Avatar technologies

EN: Be present in hell with all the heaven’s convenience.
RU: Prisutstvui v adu s raiskim komfortom.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

The difference between wide neck and standard neck feeding bottles

Following are the comparison articles:
bottle and teat styles
the difference between the Dr. Brown's regular and wide neck bottles
More Choices for Easier Feeding
A wide or narrow neck
What kind of bottle should I use?
Another article

Comparison of wide and normal necked bottles has been performed from parent's point of view while no one mentions the baby-side differences like latching, feeding angle, nipple shape and flexibility. Since all babies are different and do not theoretize as much as we do the trial and error perhaps is most useful research method in this area.
